Queue – IT Blog
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Boris IT Expert

Dequeue Java implementation example. Simple solution

November 30, 2020

Dequeue Java implementation example. Simple solution

How to remove an element (dequeue) from the queue in Java? In the past article, I have described how to perform the enqueue in Java. In this chapter, we will go through the dequeue process. As you remember, in the queue type data structure, we have to remove the first element from the head. Detailed […]

November 30, 2020

Enqueue Java implementation example. Simple solution

How to add an element (enqueue) in the queue Java? In the previous article, I have explained how to implement the queue in Java. In this article, we will go through the adding elements process. As you remember, in the queue type data structure, we have to attach the new element to the queue’s last […]

November 30, 2020

Queue implementation simple example. How to implement in Java.

Queue implementation example in Java. How to implement a queue data structure in Java? First, you should know the queue works. It works the same principles as the real-life queue. If you come to the doctor, you should wait in line. For instance, three people before you and you cam at 8.30. The first person […]