What is a Domain name? Types of Domain and how to search – IT Blog
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Boris IT Expert

What is a Domain name? Types of Domain and how to search

Boris~April 5, 2021 /Uncategorized

All of these different words can sound too technical if you’re starting. In this article, we would clarify what a domain name is and how domains operate. Here’s a short overview of the topics we’ll be covering in this article.

The primary purpose is to encourage you to understand and choosing the appropriate domain name for your website.

What does domain means?

A domain is a “name” for your website. It contains two components. Let’s take a look at facebook.com:

If a corporation (or an individual) owns a domain name, they have the option of identifying which server the domain name refers to. 

Without a domain name instead of a word, you would see something like “”. It is the server’s unique IP address — which is just not easy to remember and read for a regular person.

Without a domain name instead of a word, you would see something like “”.

What is Domain with example?

A domain or domain name is a website’s position referred to as an Internet address of the website. The domain name “google.com,” for example, resolves to the IP address “”
A domain name can be up to 63 characters long. It must include at least one character, and is entered after the format in the URL (Uniform Resource Locator), as seen in the example be:

https  ://  www.  computerhope.com  /jaurgon/uurl.htm

Protocol  Subdomain  Domain and domain suffix    Directories   Web Page

Don’t you think it is easier to remember google.com instead of

What are the types of Domains?

Below are the most common forms of domain names:

A top-level domain is just as it sounds like: a form of domain name that is at the top level of the domain name structure on the internet. There are over a thousand TLDs available, with the most common:

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) maintains the official list of TLDs. IANA points out that the list of TLDs still covers ccTLDs and gTLDs, which we’ll discuss later.

ccTLDs are two-letter domain names that are based on international country codes, such as:

Businesses are often using these types of domains to represent themselves in a particular area. It helps regular users as well to identify that they landed on the right area web page.

ccTLDs are two-letter domain names that are based on international country codes

A generic top-level domain (gTLD) is effectively a top-level domain that does not depend on a country code. Many gTLDs, such as.edu, are meant for a particular use case, such as educational institutions. Here are some examples: 

gTLDs are meant for a particular use case – like .edu is for education

Can I get a domain for free?

There are also free domain names available from various website builders such as WordPress.com, Squarespace, Weebly, and others.
These are similar to subdomains in that they use the website’s name in the own domain. Instead of making businessbooks.com, you might have businessbooks.wordpress.com or businessbooks.squarespace.com.
Free domains are not suitable for long-term market objectives or whether you wish to have your distinct branding. I recommend investing a few dollars and buying your own.
It will be part of somebody’s domain. Instead of mybusiness.com you will have mybusiness.wordpress.com. I recommend investing few dollars and buy your own domain.

It will be part of somebody’s domain. Instead of mybusiness.com you will have mybusiness.wordpress.com. I recommend investing few dollars and buy your own domain.

Which Domain is best?

Choosing the right domain protects you from potential issues. It not only preserves your brand identity but also makes it easier to switch your website to a new host or service provider.

These are the safest domains to acquire a domain name from:

How can I create a domain name?

There are several methods for getting a free domain name for your new website. Sometimes companies make an offer and give you a free domain if you buy hosting. Bluehost is one of them.

I’ll take you through the steps of acquiring a domain name from Bluehost.

The provider might change these steps. Before buying I would recommend you to ask the support if they have got any special offers at that moment. 

Where is the best place to buy a Domain name?

These are the best best places to buy a domain from based on the guidelines we discussed earlier.


Now we know everything about domain names and how they function in this study. This article also showed you how to pick the best domain for your company.

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