Free QrCode Generator | Qr Code Maker | Create Qr Code – IT Blog
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Free QrCode Generator | Qr Code Maker | Create Qr Code

Boris~February 23, 2021 /About QR

What is the best free QR code generator?

QR code generator topic overview:

How do I choose a QR code generator?

In the previous post, I provided 11 critical facts you should know before start working with this technology. Here, I will explain some more details.

I would divide all QR code generators into some categories. The first category depends on the platform. If you use a PC or laptop, you should try to find a QR code generator based on a web solution. If you prefer to use your mobile, you could choose an application between iOS or Android. 

When you choose the platform, you will have to decide what features you will use. For instance, you want regular black and white code with a static URL; you can generate it on any application in this case. It is standard functionality that provides by most of the providers. But if you want your code to be dynamic and custom, you will have to research to find the best solution. 

how to choose qr code generator

What is the best free QR code generator?

There are a lot of solutions that say that they are free. But in reality, you can use only basic functionality without payment. Besides that, some applications force you to watch annoying advertisements again and again. I am not against it because it is business. They spend their time to provide you a good quality solution. I have found only one solution that is free and without any advertisement. It is a QR magic application. Unfortunately, for now, there is not iOS or web version. But if you are a user of Android, you should try it. It provides a lot of premium features for free. 

Is QR Code Monkey really free?

Basic functionality – yes. Advanced functionality – no. Basic functionality includes:

  • Creating static code
  • You can pick a color that you want.
  • Or you can put a logo in the middle.
  • Choosing the “eyes.” Big three squares.
qr monkey logo

Advanced functionality includes:

So it depends on your demand. If you need advanced features, you will have to pay for them if you use Android. As I said before, you can try QR Magic. Most of these features include and free. 

These are the subscription plans for QR code monkey.

How can I get a free QR Code?

How can I get a free QR Code?

Let me explain to you the steps to get a QR Code. For example, you are the owner of the restaurant. And you want to share an online menu with your customers. So you need to generate a code with the menu and print it. Let me show you how you can create your own QR code step by step:

1) You have to choose the type. There are a lot of different types, but in our case, we need to choose WiFi. 

2) We can choose the background. It can be regular black and white, but we can put some bright background. The reason for that is getting attention. Some customers might find it creative and will share it with their friends. And it is a free advertisement for you.

qr magic wifi type

3) I would recommend putting the logo in the middle of the code. So the user will remember your logo, and in comparison with others, it looks much more attractive. 

put logo in mid of qr

4) After your code is ready, you can share it and print it. 

share intent

These steps are a short instruction to answer one of the most common questions “How do I create a free QR code by myself?”

Do free QR codes expire?

No. Technically, it does not expire. Suppose it is the static type you are not limited to scanning or time usage. But in case you use dynamic code, you might face some restrictions on usage. Some companies limit your code on time usage. For instance, your code will work just if paying some subscription after you stop paying. Your code is not valid. Other companies might limit you on scanning. And after some amount of scans, you will have to pay to make your code valid. I would suggest read all terms and conditions before start using any technology. 

Does Google have a QR code generator?

Yes, it does. Google provides a chrome extension that can generate code for you. But after testing, I would say it does not have a lot of features, for example, in comparison with QR Magic. But it might be a perfect solution if you need to generate a code, but you don’t want to upload any applications for that. If you are OK with a regular black and white sample, just go for it. 

google qr code generator

How do I create a QR code online? 

You can find tons of websites that can generate QR codes for you. Most of them provide some features to customize the final result. Most of the time, you will be able to change :

After you finished this process, you will be able to share the result or save it locally on your machine. If you are outside the office or don’t have access to the laptop, you can use the same type of application. Most of the time, it has the same functionality as a web version. Android has more choices than iOS, but you can find solutions for both.

What is the best QR Code generator?

I would say that QRMagic is the best I have used so far. Maybe some applications have more downloads or better designs. But I like it for its simplicity and transparent way of work. There are no hidden restrictions or limitations. And it provides easy to understand interface. I want to add that I did not find any other solutions that offer dynamic QR code functionality for free. There are a lot of free solutions that provide free static output, but none of them gives for free such advanced and essential functionality as:

If you know any, please let me know, but QR magic is the best free generator for now in 2021. 

What software can help with that?

If you want to know what specific software can help you in this process, you should use a web or mobile applications. Some other types of software can do that. But they are not as popular as the examples above. For instance, it won’t be easy to find desktop software that can help you with that. 

Do reviews on the applications are real? 

Most of the time, yes. But there are some technologies and techniques that can sell reviews. Besides that, there is a technique that allows applications to gain only positive reviews. If you pay attention to some of the applications, you might see a popup window that will ask you, “Do you like our application?”. And the trick here is that if you click yes, they will redirect you to the play store. If you click no, they will ask you to send the complaint. With the help of this trick, they filter only positive users. And that users are redirecting to the play store. Other users stay inside the application.


There are tons of applications that can generate QR codes for you. They look similar. But if you start to compare, you will find a lot of differences. Most of those applications provide free QR codes only when they static. In case you want to use dynamic most of the time, you will have to pay for that. Besides that, you should read the pricing policy. Most of the company provides subscription way of payment. The main idea here is to research before start working with any technology. Always keep in mind that it is long term relationship. And it would help if you made sure that there are no hidden restrictions in the solution you have chosen. 

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